Welcome to the Grow Fort Collins Blog. I am starting this blog to track all matters of development in downtown Fort Collins. Growing up downtown I have personally witnessed the transformation that has taken place over the past two decades. I remember walking downtown as a child and seeing all the dilapidated, rundown buildings and the crime ridden streets. Now the heart of our city is a bustling urban center and a source of pride for the entire community.
The past decade in particular has seen a major influx of development. Starting in the early 2000’s with the creation of the civic center and continuing today with the boom in residential/mixed-use development. Over the next few weeks I will be chronicling some of the projects we have seen come to fruition as well as regular pictures, news articles, construction updates, new projects, new ideas, event info, and personal stories and memories about downtown. I encourage all of you to comment and leave feedback for me. You can also email me at
GrowFortCollins@gmail.com with any suggestions or contributions. Thanks for reading and please spread the word about Grow Fort Collins.